May 4, 2007

Thank The Good Lord for Fridays!!!

I'm telling you the truth...if I had to work one more day this week, you would have seen it on the news!!!

It's been a heck of a week. My foot was feeling better by the next day. I have had a similar sensation before, but never that severe. Yeah, I know, I was acting all tough about it. But I was a little scared. Wonder if it has anything to do with my cycle? Maybe I should track that, and see what happens next month. MamaMilton, thanks for the mothering! Sometimes, we just can't help ourselves, can we? :)

What's going on at work? Well, the other team in the office with us will be getting a new schedule come Monday. They had agents working til 7p. Now noone will be working later than 530p. WTH???

You know I'm very pissed, right? I actually had a mini meltdown at work yesterday about it. Noooooo, I wasn't crying! Are you kidding? Never let 'em see you sweat! I was, however, using way more profanity than I am used to (anymore, at least). What did I do about it? I sent the Manager an email today to ask why them and not us, especially since they are loads more busy than we are. He replied that he asked that same question when he found out, and is awaiting an answer. If he gets an answer that I don't like, I'm going to ask to be switched to that team. Nothing would change, except I would be taking different calls and working in a different computer system. I'm giving him a week, tops.

Still haven't sold the van. Put another ad on craigslist today. Dropped the price to $1100. Thinking about doing a weekend sale on ebay motors. Listing on craigslist is free, but ebay is like $40. It's not due up front but still, it's a thought. Here's my craiglist ad, in case you know anyone:

After tomorrow, rent will be officially late for month #2. Slumlord called today, but I didn't answer. I'm sure he'll call again. I'm going through the house trying to figure out what I can sell...and not totally regret it later. It donned on me earlier this week that I am almost like a homeowner, except for the tax benefits and equity being built in my name. I have been saying, "I can't afford to buy a house right now. If something goes wrong, as tight as my finances are, I wouldn't have the money to fix it. I like leaving that expense up to the landlord to handle."
Well guess what?
Everything that has gone wrong in this house, I HAVE GOTTEN IT FIXED!!! AND...I'm paying a heck of a lot more a month than if I was paying a mortgage. So, I am thinking about significantly downsizing for the next year's lease, so that I can pay bills off and then purchase in 2008. It would suck cramming into a 2 bedroom, but sometimes you have to step back to move forward.

I grow weary, but my faith is still strong. That's what keeps me going every day.

I just realized something. I don't talk about the kids much, do I? Does that make me a bad mom? It probably does, among the many other things I do poorly as a mom so, oh well! Can't win them all huh?

Okay, that was my sarcastic way of joking. There is a piece of news to report on the kid-front:
Bruzer stopped up and overflowed the toilet with toilet tissue at my sister's house this evening! My sis had to fish it out, and she said the wad of tissue was amazingly huge! What's so amazing is that he totally fessed up to it. He is oddly honest, which makes me wonder when that's gonna wear off!

1 comment:

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Glad you are feeling better!

Hope you have a great weekend.