March 9, 2007

Strange Nights

First off, being the slacker mommy that I am, I did not wash nor cut anyone's hair last night.
I managed to actually cook dinner for the children, and I even ate.

That was about all I could do. I sent them to bed at a little after 9p.

Don't worry, I'll make it work. I always do.

So, I talked to the Major on the phone for a little while yesterday on his incredibly long commute home from work (like an hour on a good day!). I didn't even really get online last night to chat. I actually laid on the couch and watched
Dr. 90210 . Then, the last few minutes watched me.
Why Dr. 90210? Didn't you know? If I had a few extra thousand dollars, and better in-house support, I would gladly get a boob job and a tummy tuck?! Without even thinking twice!
I kid you not.
I am NOT part of the majority of African-Americans who think plastic surgery is unnecessary and taboo. Puh-leeze!! I already know what size I would get and where my incision would be. I have even been to a consultation with a plastic surgeon in St. Louis. Yes, I will do it one day, regardless of what anyone else thinks. This is about me, period.

So anyway, 1225am I awake to someone beating on the door. First person I thought of was The One/Can't Get Right, since he was supposed to stop by earlier. Then, I knew better because he wouldn't beat on the door - afraid he'd wake the kids - he'd just leave. So, I looked out my window and the car in the driveway didn't even register. I went downstairs to discover it was my mom! This poor neurotic woman couldn't reach me by telephone (cell phone downstairs, kids turned off upstairs ringer), so she drove all the way up from ESL to make sure I was okay! I know, I know. The woman needs an intervention! She worries so much and always has. She hugged me, and then turned around and left to head back home.

At this point I cannot go right back to sleep. So I see the Commander is online, and I say hi. We chatted for a bit, I told him what happened. He hadn't been online earlier so I asked what he was doing up. He was worse than I was, he had basically come straight home and went to 5p! I thought he had dozed off, so I got back in the bed myself, when I heard the familiar ding of new messages. Well, one was him and the other was from The New Guy! He asked if everything was okay, and I told him the story. I forgot I sent him an offline message a few days saying I had a question for him. He didn't. So I asked what he was doing on the 23rd (the dinner dance), and he replied he's taking the kids on a surprise trip to DC the 19th-23rd. The Commander's taking his boys to Florida for Spring Break. Such cool dads. Yet another reason to feel like a slacker mom!
We continued to chat for a while, and he asked me about my plans for the evening. Me and the brood are gonna watch movies tonight. He asked if he could see me after that. I said yes, but it wouldn't be until about 11p. He said that was fine. I'm trying to remain cool and calm about it, and it's really not that hard to be honest. A lot has changed since we together before, he's got a little more proving to do if he really wants to give this a go. Meanwhile, I will continue on as usual, until I have a reason (from him or anyone else) not to.
Yes, I will tell you how it goes.

We are doing the Bruzer's birthday party tomorrow evening at about 6p. I'm getting the cake from Sam's and a few of their pizzas too. I'll probably shop for him today during lunch. I invited his father and newly minted step-mother, to which he advised me she would probably tell him to come by himself. Whatever!! To her: You married him; I kicked him out and never looked back! Good Luck, by the way.

Okay, it's off to work where, for the most part, I can't stand my manager. Yet another reason to make me really ready to leave there. I miss working at the church, the freedom and the purpose of it. That time will prayerfully be here before the end of the year. I just need to get out of this expensive house first, then it will be okay. Pray for me!

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