March 5, 2007

This is why I need to work from home...

The Bruzer has a fever of 101.4!!

His new teacher called me today to ask if there was anything they needed to know about his breathing. They inquired about asthma. I told her he was never formally diagnosed (though he does have a nebulizer), and that when he gets a cold, he really gets a cold. The teacher told me he was sitting at a table, but he breathing so fast and heavy you thought he had just ran around the room. Yep, that's him.

And then I discovered the fever at Super-Walmart. Actually getting out of the car on the parking lot. I knew he wasn't looking "well". It's a mom thing. So I kissed his forehead (yes, I'm that kind of mom!), and sure enough, there it was! Then we got home, I got the thermometer. It's an inner ear one, but I will also check underarm with it.

There it was. Plain as day. 101.4


Yes. I will try and give him Motrin 30min before we leave the house, and hope it lasts all day.
I know, I know. Bad Mommy, right?

Oh, but the single parents understand...

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